About Smarty

SMARTY has been operating as Smarty Sağlık Medikal İnşaat Turizm Enerji Madencilik Üretim ve Tic.Tdt.Şti since 2021. SMARTY is an experienced, international trade company operating in the fields of health, food, and defense, also located in the Ostim Cluster in Ankara.

SMARTY is the official sales company of the VERSAGE Energy Drinks.
VERSAGE Energy Drinks is one of the world’s most dynamically evolving Company as attested by its quick success and exploding export market. It has become an important player in the international Energy Drink Market with the boasted sales performance in 55 countries.

VERSAGE ENERGY’s success relies on the excellent quality, the reasonable prices, the availability globally, a good track of record and flexibility at consumer needs.

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